Friday, December 22, 2006

CUs and the Ekklesia Report

In a response to the current dispute between some Christian Unions (CUs) and University authorities the 'independent think-tank' Ekklesia has produced a report outlining what it sees as the causes of the problems and possible solutions to these disputes. Having briefly looked through the report which is on-line ( here are some initial observations...

Thought Ekklesia's strenuous effort to point out its impartiality smelt a bit like 'protesting too much'. Overall the report was reasonable and even handed only on the basis that you believe:
(a) Unity is inevitably better than division;
(b) Majority = moral authority;
(c) Inclusiveness is to be preferred over principle.

The report opens by talking about the pejorative language used in the dispute and cites 'banning' and 'political correctness' as examples. It's noteworthy that language such as 'gay cure course' & ‘homophobic’ is not cited - thus perhaps giving the impression that the hyperbole and misrepresentation is only on the part of CU's.

It stresses at various points that CUs represent only one part of the Christian spectrum and their views are not shared by other sections of the church. I daresay CU views are not shared by the 'Gay & Lesbian Christian Society' for example, and many in the professing church deny the Virgin Birth, the literal Resurrection, Penal Substitution, the 2nd Coming etc - but since when was theological truth contingent on a popular vote. The effect is to present CUs (i.e. Conservative Evangelical Christians) as a narrow, unrepresentative and extremist sub sect - in this way they can be marginalised and picked on while declaring tolerance of those other parts of Christendom whose views are more in line with a secular and liberal culture.

There is no greater slur today than to be an extremist. Extremists are fair game, they are a threat not deserving of tolerance or respect. It is a highly effective tool to push shaky Christians away from standing up for contentious beliefs and issues. Make no mistake - Jesus was not crucified and the apostles were not persecuted because of their moderate views.

This marginalisation tactic is used when comparing the size of NUS membership to that of CUs - the implication that the NUS/SU's sheer size gives it a moral authority over these piddling CU's - might is right!

CU's are also implied to be manipulative and calculating - they prey on the weak, simple-minded and vulnerable. The advice given by CUs about ways supporters might write to MPs etc is outlined almost as proof of such sinister manipulation. That such advice is produced by '101' lobby groups such as Greenpeace is not acknowledged.

Throughout the report no questions are asked of the motives or practises of those involved in the NUS or SU’s. A silence that implicitly assumes that those running those bodies are impartial, above prejudice, untainted by the corrupting influence of external belief systems. SU’s are run a reasonable person would conclude by clear-headed, fair-minded, well-intentioned people. This is a big assumption!

It says that 'many' will argue that CU beliefs are not those held by the majority of Christians historically. Well 'some' might argue but they would be wrong - this is arrogance of C21 Liberals who see Church History in terms of C20 Liberal Western Theology and turn a blind-eye to the preceding 19 Centuries and Worldwide Church whose majorities would undoubtedly concur with Statement of Faith on p4. The report is apt at selecting quotes presenting evangelical faith in a negative light.

If you are in a church that holds evangelical/Biblical views on Sexuality, Gender, the Exclusiveness of Jesus as Saviour, bringing up Children in the Nurture & Admonition of the Gospel then you should be concerned. Our conditions for church membership, election of elders, use of premises, techniques in evangelism and Sunday School syllabuses will all be up for scrutiny, challenge and even prohibition on this basis. And outside the 'inter-faith, lowest common denominator, acceptable to the majority melting pot of post-modern religion’ you will get no support from Ekklesia.

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