Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Joshua Project

Past the gap year stage - settled in a church - but would like to keep progressing and developing your ministry skills and ability to handle the Bible? Then The Joshua Project could be an ideal way forward.

It's a two year programme of evening classes spread through the year from Sept to June.
It has a significant Biblical and Theological core (75%).
It allows specialisation in one of three streams - Preaching, Pastoral or Mission (25%).

The course will be lead by a range of experienced church & college leaders.

Further info and an application form can be obtained from:
The “Joshua Project”
Tilsley College
GLO Centre
78 Muir Street

Candidates are asked to sign up by 6th Sept if possible.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Unhappy with your church?

Do you feel disgruntled about your church (or has it just been a while since you felt gruntled)? Are you tending to the uninvolved and dissatisfied end of church life? Does the idea of shaking off church structures, tiresome meetings and lackluster ways of operating, increasingly appeal?

Then let me recommend 'Why we love the Church' by Kevin DeYoung & Ted Kluck (Moody Publishers 2009). Two men on a mission to get you to love the church again (that includes the people in it by the way, all of them!) After all they say, 'Who wants a friend who rolls his eyes and sighs every time your wife enters the room? Apparently, some people imagine Jesus want friends like that. They roll their eyes and sigh over the church. (p12)

WWLTC is no whitewash of the church's faults but as they say, 'We sympathise with some of the frustration. But we also hope to show that the frustration is sometimes out of proportion to the offense and at other times misguided' (p15).