A great talk by Scott Thomas (Director of Acts 29) - on the danger of 'success' driving our ministries. At the end he notes this contrast between a 'Performance Driven Church' (PDC) and a 'Gospel Driven Church' (GDC)...
PDC = leaders appear to have it all together
GDC = leaders are vulnerable, honest about failures
PDC = reputation and respectability paramount
GDC = unashamedly messy
PDC = services are polished performances
GDC = services are just one aspect of church life
PDC = failure is devastating / identity is ministry
GDC = failure disappointing but not devastating / identity is in Jesus
PDC = action is driven by duty
GDC = action is driven by joy
PDC = conflict surpressed or ignored
GDC = conflict addressed openly
PDC = focus is on appearing / looking good
GDC = focus is on goodness & grace of God
The talk starts a bit slow (our American brothers do love their extended anecdotes!) but is well worth the time to listen through.