Wednesday, June 17, 2009

for attaining wisdom..(5)

I want to be humble, I'm just afraid that no-one will notice. (Anon)

It's a toughie! Resisting that driving force in our guts that wants to mention our achievements, highlight our contributions, make known our self-sacrifice, and flag-up our success. Deep in everyone of us is that old ego crying out, 'look at me, look at me!'. We can't resist dropping in that final comment of self-justification, that subtle posturing to 'even the score' of who's doing really valuable ministry stuff, or the pious putdown of someone who's getting a bit more attention than us.

Only faith can put that kind of pride and self-promotion to death. The faith that says: it really doesn't matter what others think or say - because God knows! He sees and He will reward - so why trade in that heavenly blessing for a 5 minute ego-massage (Matt 6:16).

Maybe recognition is passing you by - let it go! I mean, how embarrassing to clamber up to the top table only to be asked to move down! How much better to be asked up having been content to sit in the cheap seats. Instead...

Let another praise you, and not your own mouth;
someone else, and not your own lips. (Pr 27:1)

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