Thursday, January 15, 2009

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

New Cornhill Evening Classes

New Cornhill Evening Classes (lead by Dr Bob Fyall)

Reading & Telling the Story of the New Testament

More info/to register: Cornhill Scotland

Monday 19 January 2009, 7.15 - 9pm
Presenting Christ - four Gospels but one Gospel
How together and individually they show us Christ.

Monday 26 January 2009 7.30 - 9pm
Proclaiming Christ
The amazing growth of the infant church in Acts and the place of Peter and Paul.

Monday 2 February 2009 7.30 - 9pm
Christ in us
The impact and power of Paul's letters.

Monday 9 February 2009 7.30 - 9pm
Christ pioneer and perfecter
The place of Hebrews in the New Testament and its use of the Old Testament.

Monday 16 February 2009 7.30 - 9pm
Christ triumphant
Revelation in its fascination and culmination of the whole Bible.